Calendar Event/The Election of Surabaya Tourist Envoy |
The Election of Surabaya Tourist Envoy Appearance of the young generation with the traditional custom that capable to promote Surabaya tourism object and attraction. The election of Surabaya
Tourism envoy is fulfilled with traditional culture attraction and cultural dancing.
The Grand Final of election Cak dan Ning Surabaya 2006 held at Imperial Ballroom Pakuwon Trade Centre (PTC), Surabaya on Friday, 24 Nopember 2006. Agenda of the election Cak dan Ning began on 6 Nopember 2006. Various tests had counted until Grand Final. From 25 couples semifinal Cak dan Ning elected until 15 couples semifinal Cak dan Ning.
From the process judging since this election starting until Grand Final, finally announced the winner and finalis Cak dan Ning Surabaya 2006. The winner and finalis for Cak Surabaya are:
Cak Surabaya: Ryan Rahardi
Wakil 1 Cak: Tizar Dwi
Wakil 2 Cak: Joned Rahadian
Wakil 3 Cak: Moch. Rizky S.R
Cak Persahabatan: Berry F.S. Pariela
Cak Berbakat: Januar Bayu
Cak Favorit: Alexander H. W
For the finalis Cak are:
Ario Trida W, Dedy Wicaksono, Dian Raseka, Khoriul Ashyar P., Ivansyah Mufti, Moh. Syahroni P., Nursakti Niko P., and Sandi Irawan.
And for the winner and finalis Ning Surabaya are:
Ning Surabaya: Chitra Tania A.
Wakil 1 Ning: Niken Rury A.
Wakil 2 Ning: Jena Sarita
Wakil 3 Ning: Nurina Asri S.
Cak Persahabatan: Dinda Nata Melia
Cak Berbakat: Ruth R. Sabrina
Cak Favorit: Natasha Karina
For the finalis Ning are:
Afni Putri Jayatri, Aga Riana, Faizah, Fitriana Hendayati, Ingrid Maria P., Mila Klarisa, dan Sheila Hedwig L.
Next, the winner and finalis of Cak dan Ning Surabaya 2006 will be working as Surabaya tourism envoy for one year on 2007 until the election of Surabaya
Tourism envoy (Cak dan Ning) on 2007. |
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